Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Make a mantra of "yes". Every night before you go to sleep repeat "yes, yes" and get in tune with it; sway with it, let it come over all of your being from the toe to the head. Let it penetrate. Repeat "yes, yes". Let that be your prayer for ten minutes in the night and then go to sleep. And early in the morning again at least for three minutes sit in your bed. The first thing to do is to repeat " yes" and get into the feel of it. In the day whenever you start feeling negative, just stop on the road anywhere. If you can say loudly "yes, yes", good. Otherwise at least you can say silently "yes, yes".

Friday, 17 October 2008

OSHO--- How To Get The Taste Of SILENCE ?

The following OSHO tips helps one to get the taste of real SILENCE

For one day, talk telegraphically. limit yourself to using only absolutely necessary words akin to a talegram, 10 woeds at the most. A telegram is more effective than long letters because in those 10 words the entire message is condensed and has a deep impact.

Whenever you feel very good, keep quiet. Once you express it, you can disturb it. Even to say that you are feeling good is a disturbance because you have already made it the past. You have already started looking at it as an observer, a spectator. You are starting to analyse it and are no more deeply involved in it. There is no need to label it or say that "it is good", because no label can be true to it. The feeling of goodness is so infinite that when you call it good, you have already made it mediocre.

When you feel love for somebody, to say "i love you" is to make it profane. You have already made it rotten. Tha word corrupts. Just show it by your being. Enjoy it, but don't say anything about it. Once uttered, beautiful and great experiences become trivial.

If you can deepen your silence, you can deepen your love without any difficulty, because it is the same process. You can deepen your laughter, you can deepen your vitality. Your life will not become superficial, but something that contains depths. A fundamental law of existence is that you can deepen your experience in any one dimension, you become capable of deepening your experience in other dimensions to the same extent.

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Thursday, 16 October 2008

Osho Meditation( Sit silently and wait )

Sometimes what happens is that meditation is close by but you are engaged in other things. That still small voice is within you but you are full of noise, engagements, occupations, responsibilities. And meditation comes like a whisper, it doesn't come like a slogan shouting, it comes very silently. It makes no noise. Not even the footsteps are heard. So if you are engaged, it waits and goes
So make it a point, atleast an hour everyday, just to sit silently and wait for it. Don't do anything, just sit silently with closed eyes in great waiting, with a waiting heart, with an open heart. Just waiting, so if something happens then you are ready to receive it, if nothing happens don't feel frustrated. Even sitting for one hour and having nothing happen is good, is relaxing. it calms you down, makes you still, makes you more centered and rooted. but more and more it will come and slowly slowly there will arise an understanding between you and the meditative state; that you wait at a certain hour in a certain room at a certain time, it will come more and more.It is not something that comes from the outside, it comes from your innermost core. But when the inner conscious knows that outer cnscious is waiting for it, there is more possibility of meeting.
Just sit under a tree. The breeze is blowing and the leaves of the tree are rustling. The wind touches you, it moves around you, it passes. But don't allow it just to pass you; allow it to move within you and pass through you. Just close your eyes, and as it is passing through the tree and there is rustling of leaves, feel that you are also like a tree, open,and the wind is blowing through you-- not by your side, but right through you.

God Is Not A Solution But A Problem


Dancing On The Tune Of Nusrat Sahib

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Music is meditation---meditation crystallized in a certain dimension. Meditation is music---music melting into the dimensionless. They are not two.
If you love music, you love it only because around it somehow you feel meditation happening. You are absorbed by it, you become drunk in it. Something of the unknown starts descending around---God starts whispering. Your heart beats in a different rhythm, one in tune with the universe. Suddenly you are in a deep orgasm with the whole. A subtle dance enters into your being, and doors that have remained closed forever starts opening. A new breeze passes through you; dust of the centuries is blown away. you feel as if you have taken a bath, a spirtual bath; you have been under a shower- clean, fresh, virgin.
Music is meditation; meditation is music. These are two doors to approach the same phenomenon.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Meditation is not concentration. In concentration there there is a self concentrating and there is an object being concentrated upon.There is duality. In meditation there is nobody inside and nothing outside.It is not concentration. There is no division division between the in and the out. The in goes on flowing into the out, the out goes on flowing into the in. The demarcation, the boundry, the border, no longer exists. The in is out, the out is in; it is a non-dual consciousness.
Concentration is a dual consciousness; that's why concentration creates tiredness; that's why when you concentrate you feel exhausted. And you cannot concentrate for twenty-four hours, you will have to take holidays to rest. Concentration can never become your nature. Meditation does not tire, meditation does not exhaust you. Meditation can become a twenty- four thing- day in, day out, year in year out. It can become eternity. It is a relaxation itself.
Concentration is an act, a willed act. Meditation is a state of no will, a state of inaction.It is a relaxation. One has simply dropped into one's own being, and that being is the same as being of All. Concentration the mind functions out of a conclusion; you are doing something. Concentration comes out of the past. In meditation there is no conclusion behind it. You are not doing anything in particular, you are simply being. It has no past to it, it is uncontaminated by the past. It has no future to it, it is pure off all future. It is what Lao Tzu has called wei-uu-wei, action through inaction. It is what Zen masters have been saying; Sitting silently doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Remember,"by itself"-nothing is being done. You are not pulling the grass upwards;the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. The state-when you allow life to go on its own way, when you don't want to direct it, when you don't want to give any control to it, when you are not manipulating, when you are not enforcing any discipline on it- that state of pure undiscplined spontaneity, is what meditation is.
Meditation is in the present, pure present. Meditation is immediacy. You cannot meditate you can be in meditation. You cannot be in concentration, but you can concentrate. Concentration is human, meditation is divine.

Friday, 3 October 2008


Start doing a very simple method at least six times a day. It takes only half a minute each time so it is three minutes a day. It is the shortest meditation in the world. But you have to do it suddenly- that's is the whole point in it.
Walking on the street- suddenly you remember. Stop yourself, stop yourself completely, no movement. Just be present for half a minute. Whatsoever the situation, stop completely and just be present to whatsoever is happening. Then start moving again. Six times a day. More you can do but not less-it will bring much opening. It has to done suddenly.
If you just become present suddenly, the whole energy changes. The continutity that was going on in the mind stops. And it is so sudden that the mind cannot create a new thought so immediately. It takes time; the mind is stupid.
Anywhere, the moment you remember, just give a jerk to your whole being and stop. Not only will you become aware, soon you will feel that others have become aware of your energy- that something has happened; something from the unknown is entering you.


When you feel angry, there is no need to be angry against someone; just be angry. Let it be a meditation. Close the room, sit by yourself, and let the anger come up as much as it can. If you feel like beating, beat a pillow.
Do whatsoever you want to do; the pillow will never object. If you want to kill the pillow, have a knife and kill it. It helps, it helps tremendously. One can never imagine how helpful a pillow can be. Just beat it, bite it, throw it. If you are against somebody in particular, write on the pillow or stick a particular picture on it.
You will feel ridiculous, foolish, but anger is ridiculous; you cannot do anything about it. So let it be and enjoy it like an energy phenomenon. It is an energy phenomenon. If you are not hurting anybody there is nothing wrong in it. When you try this you will see that the idea of hurting somebody by and by diappears.
Make it a daily practice--- just twenty minutes every morning, Then watch the whole day. You will be calmer, because the energy that becomes anger has been thrown out; the energy that becomes a poison is thrown out of the system. Do this for at least two weeks. and after one week you will be surprised to find that whatsoever the situation, anger is not coming. Just give it a try.